My Process

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Where it all started

Growing up I had the privilege of living in a peaceful country home just outside Edmonton, Alberta. My love for nature and the animals that lived sometimes just across the road developed from an early age. This appreciation for North American wildlife has influenced my works all the way from simple doodles to this current series.

Why Lines? I daydreamed regularly during my school days and doodling on my note pages ended up being the manifestation of this. I started to notice a trend; most of my drawings naturally ended up being either of an animal or some odd abstract shape created with numerous lines. So, during my final year of my undergrad, I decided to combine the two. I ran with it ever since.

A personal touch

I take pride in personally handling and packaging each print for each sale. Every purchase is much appreciated and I intend to make sure every print arrives to its new home with care and its quality intact.